Five Common Cosmetic Dentistry Q&A’s

When beginning your research on how to fix your teeth, you’ll come across various types of dentistry. One will inevitably be cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry focused on improving the appearance of your overall smile. Considering your teeth, gums, and bite, cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.


If you’re feeling down about your smile and your confidence is suffering, that alone is a valid reason why cosmetic dentistry is worth it. If you aren’t happy with the appearance of your smile, you may avoid social situations and circumvent smiling because you don’t want to show off your teeth. Your smile is often the first impression people have of you, and without it, it can be challenging to maintain relationships, cultivate new friendships, romantic, and professional relationships.

Cosmetic dentistry doesn’t only benefit your looks. With cosmetic dentistry, you end up fixing problems you may not have known you had. Or perhaps something that, in addition to being unsightly, impairs the function of your teeth. That tooth you’re missing can be replaced with a dental implant to achieve a complete smile and make your chewing easier and your speech clearer. Straightening your crooked teeth will result in a straight smile as well as easier chewing and lower your risk of gum disease. Reshaping, repairing, and whitening your teeth with porcelain dental veneers doesn’t only look beautiful, but it also protects your sensitive teeth, allows you to resume consuming cold or hot items, and saves your other teeth from cracks and chips.

As they say, beautiful teeth are healthy teeth, and healthy teeth are beautiful teeth.


Cosmetic dentistry is safe. While cosmetic dentistry focuses on the appearance of your smile, cosmetic dentists are also general dentists and would never do something to put you or the function of your mouth at risk.

Cosmetic dentistry is customized to fit your needs. What your neighbor’s smile needs is not necessarily what yours might. The type of treatment you receive is specific to you, so you’ll never receive something unnecessary or something that might harm your jaw or airway. We only use biocompatible materials when performing cosmetic dentistry procedures, and your Nashville dentist will consult thoroughly with you and answer any questions you may have. Your comfort and understanding are top priorities at the Center for Advanced Dentistry, and we welcome all questions.


Gum disease is a common reason people might need and want cosmetic dentistry. With gum disease, you’ll experience discolored teeth, a receding gum line, cracked and chipped teeth, decaying teeth, and missing teeth. These symptoms of gum disease are painful and displeasing to the eye, but fear not. Cosmetic dentistry can fix these issues for a functional and beautiful smile. However, first, we will need to get your gum disease under control. If gum disease is not treated, the same things plaguing your natural teeth can destroy your cosmetic dentistry.

Treating your gum disease doesn’t have to be complicated. First, you’ll need to develop habits that prevent gum disease, such as brushing and flossing twice daily and visiting your dentist twice yearly. Additionally, limit your snacking of sugary and acidic foods, ask your Nashville dentist about an antibacterial mouth rinse, and finally, follow your dentist’s recommended gum disease treatment.


Another common question that people ask is if cosmetic dentistry is painful? Well, you’re in luck because cosmetic dentistry does not have to be painful. Depending on your cosmetic needs, you might require a more invasive procedure like dental implants, but your Nashville cosmetic dentist offers sedation dentistry as well as drug-free NuClam (for anxiety) for your comfort. With technological advances and a dentist who cares about you and your wellbeing, you can get the cosmetic dentistry procedures you need without a lot of pain.


Dental insurance does not usually cover cosmetic dentistry because it only covers medical necessities. However, some procedures blur the line between purely cosmetic treatments and medical conditions. Your dental insurance may cover these three circumstances.

  • You were involved in an accident that damaged your teeth or the surrounding tissues

  • You need to replace or repair teeth due to disease and decay

  • You need to improve the functionality of your teeth or bite

The best way to find out is to contact your insurance provider, and they can give you an accurate picture of what you might need to pay out of pocket. Per our policy, we do not file insurance claims with your insurance, however, we will provide you with the paperwork and appropriate ADA codes for dental work completed so you can file it.


Are you looking for cosmetic dentistry in Nashville? Look no further. The Center for Advanced Dentistry is your one-stop-shop for all your dental needs. You can get the smile you’ve always dreamed of as well as a healthy and functional smile all in one office. Call (615) 614-3626 or schedule an appointment online today. Your new and healthy smile is waiting for you.


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